Nurturing Our Sensitivity During the Holiday Season


The holiday season can be a time of joy and celebration, but for highly sensitive people, it can also bring overwhelming experiences. As someone who takes in the world with heightened awareness, you may find the constant stimuli and demands exhausting. It's crucial to remember that your needs are just as important as anyone else's. Here are some gentle reminders to care for yourself during this time:

  1. Pace Yourself: As invitations start pouring in, take a moment to reflect on each one consciously. Prioritize the events that truly matter to you and bring you joy. Consider your own needs and make choices that align with them. Don't be afraid to decline invitations that may overwhelm you or drain your energy. Give yourself permission to put your well-being first.

  2. Embrace Rest: Listen to your body and emotions. When you feel tired or emotionally drained, honor that inner voice that tells you to take a break. Allow yourself the luxury of turning off the lights and indulging in a restorative nap. Even a short 10-15 minute break can do wonders for your overall well-being.

  3. Shop Mindfully: If crowded malls and long lines are overwhelming, consider shopping online. Take advantage of the convenience and peace of mind that online shopping offers. Additionally, quieter spaces like bookstores can provide a calmer shopping experience with fewer distractions. Remember, simplicity and ease can be your allies during this busy time.

  4. Practice Self-Compassion: It's okay to not go all out or meet unrealistic expectations. Give yourself permission to take shortcuts and simplify. Instead of preparing elaborate dishes, opt for ready-made options or contribute in other ways. Remember, your worth is not determined by the level of effort you put into every detail. Be kind to yourself and acknowledge that it's okay to prioritize your own well-being.

Lastly, if you do feel overwhelmed, know that it's a natural response, and it happens to all of us. Show yourself self-compassion and gently guide yourself back on track. Recognize your feelings and needs using compassionate communication, and take steps to meet those needs. Celebrate the moments of joy, pleasure, and awe that come your way, and breathe in the connection between your inner self and the world around you.

As you navigate the holiday season with your sensitivity, remember that you don't have to do it alone. If you would like to receive counseling or coaching support, please feel free to reach out. I would be honored to hold the space to support you online or in my practice in Amsterdam.


Warm wishes for a nurturing and harmonious holiday season,

Tekin Meric, MSc

Counselor & Coach

If you would like to receive counseling or coaching support as you navigate your life issues, please feel free to reach out. I would be honored to hold a space for you online or in my practice in Amsterdam.


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