Did You Grow Up with a Sense of Being Different as a HSP?


Have you ever felt like you didn't quite fit in? If you identify as highly sensitive, I'm willing to bet that you've experienced this feeling throughout your life. I know I have. The constant refrain of being "too sensitive" echoed in my ears since childhood, leading me to believe that there was something inherently wrong with me.

Growing up with this constant sense of being wrong can have a lasting impact on a person. However, the good news is that we have the power to heal from these past experiences and forge a path towards a truly fulfilling and thriving life. It all begins with a few simple brain hacks.

Whether you've embraced your highly sensitive nature for years or are still uncertain about whether it applies to you, if my words resonate with you, then you'll find value in the tools and insights I share here at Are You Highly Sensitive.

Perhaps you find yourself struggling with anxiety on a regular basis. You try to get a grip on it, but it always seems to resurface when you least expect it. Maybe you've tried therapy or medication, and while they provide temporary relief, the anxiety always finds its way back into your life. I can relate to that, too.

In fact, it's the driving force behind my mission to reach and support every individual who shares this sensitive, reactive brain that we possess. The truth is, we have the power to redesign our lives in a way that allows us to not just survive but thrive. We can create a world where every sensitive soul understands that their sensitivity is a gift, not a curse.

Some highly sensitive individuals are fortunate to grow up in incredibly supportive families. They are celebrated for their strong emotional responses and their tendency to carefully contemplate things. They may shed tears or become frustrated easily, but their parents recognize that these reactions are simply indicators of feeling overwhelmed. Instead of being told to toughen up or hurry up, they are given the space and time they need. The family adjusts its schedule and pace to accommodate their exquisitely sensitive child.

However, it can be challenging for busy families in our current culture to provide the nurturing support that sensitive children require. The world is constantly evolving, and until we "shifters" take charge and establish a new status quo (which many of us are actively working towards!), it will continue to be an inhospitable place for highly sensitive people, especially children and young individuals.

So, what makes it so difficult? The world is fast-paced, technologically driven, noisy, bright, violent, and self-centered. Think about the overwhelming bombardment of news outlets or the chaos of politics. But you know what? About three-quarters of humanity doesn't see it that way. They thrive on the stimulation and information overload. It doesn't overwhelm the majority of them.

Does this make us wrong or abnormal? Absolutely not! Just imagine a society, indeed humanity, without individuals who are thoughtful, emotional, empathetic, and observant. We are the canaries in the coal mine, sensing the toxicity in the air. But let me tell you, we won't succumb to it. Instead, we must spread our wings and soar, first saving ourselves and then inspiring transformative shifts in the world around us.



Tekin Meric, MSc

Counselor & HSP Coach

If you would like to receive counseling or coaching support as you navigate your life issues, please feel free to reach out. I would be honored to hold a space for you online or in my practice in Amsterdam.


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