Impostor Syndrome Support

For moving forward with confidence & ease


Do any of these sound like you?

  • You are tired of feeling stuck in your life and/or your business

  • You have a successful career, yet sometimes you feel like a fraud and you are waiting for someone to call you out?

  • You are still in a job or relationship that you hate because you are afraid of not finding anything else

  • You are having a hard time recognizing your success and write it off as a fluke or luck

  • Being your own worst critic is holding you back

  • You are ready to own your success and start growing further in your life

  • You are ready to resolve the doubts in your life and create a life you love and deserve


If any of these seem familiar and you know in your heart, you are ready to change your career or the mindset surrounding your career. You know that you want to develop self-confidence and resilience. You want to get rid of the doubts, make some decisions and take action to create a career you love and deserve, then see how we can work together below.




Impostor syndrome (IS) has three defining features; the sense of having fooled someone(s), the tendency to attribute success to factors other than your own ability, and the worry of being exposed as a fraud.

It is well documented that individuals who experience IS can start to suffer more serious health consequences. IS can be exhausting and it can lead to self-criticism and self-blame.

Yet, here's the thing, it is not your fault. It really is difficult to grow up in a culture that promotes accomplishment as a measure of worth and not feel like a failure when faced with our imperfections. Or sometimes it is our upbringing that put the seeds of doubt/fear in our mind. Whatever the reason is, it is not something you did.

But it is in your power to change this situation, and I would like to help you do this.

You can learn to stop the loud critic in your mind that’s paralyzing you from stepping up. You can make the shift so you don’t have to “perfect” your work for hours that pulls so much of your energy and time that you would have preferred to spend with your friends, and loved ones.


  • O. Female, 39

    I am very fortunate to be able to fight my imposter syndrome with Tekin. He helped me understand the ideas I've always had and provided me with some wonderful skills that not only helped me deal with them, but also started to break them down. This is a flexible and supportive experience and I can only recommend it highly. The skills I learned, especially in handling "self-critical thoughts," not only helped me resolve the imposter syndrome, but were very important to me during the pandemic.

  • C. Female, 36

    I was in a very bad place in my career. I couldn’t wake up without dreading the day and coming back home fully exhausted mentally and emotionally. Tekin and I took a deep dive into the source of the problems I was facing. He helped me look into the sides of me that I couldn’t by myself and what I found there was the answer I needed to get. He is a seasoned and capable guide, who is fully there for you. I feel the confidence in myself, my values and my direction everyday. We did 9 sessions together so far. Even though we reached the goals I came with, he will stay in my “speed dial” for when I need a caring and capable ear.

  • M. Male, 32

    I would recommend Tekin, but only to the right person. He is not a magician that solves people’s problems (which he makes plenty clear himself), instead, he shows you that you have the capability in you and he coaches you in getting in touch with that.

    I loved his approach. It was a mix between soul-searching, skill learning, emotional block eroding, and agency building. I like his professionalism, warm, kind, but no-bullshit. If you’re the kind of person who would like to work through things with a “person” instead of “a person playing a therapist” he is your guy.


I would like to support you in your process of unlearning the teachings that have been stopping you from feeling comfortable in your capabilities and strengths, from moving forward peacefully and confidently.

During our initial meeting, I will understand what challenges are present for you right now and what you want/need help with. Depending on your needs, we will create bespoke goals and a process for us to follow. Meaningful change occurs generally at a point between 6 to 12 meetings.

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Through our work you can experience:

  • Increased self-awareness and self-belief

  • Decreased stress & anxiety around work and your life

  • Quietening of the inner critic, more self-compassion

  • Resilience around fears and negative thought patterns

  • Seeing the progression in your career

  • Healthy balancing of work & personal life

  • Clarity around ideal career/job for you

  • Support of someone who sees and believes in your abilities

As an integrative counselor, I pull from the strongest tools and techniques of different disciplines that will help you achieve results.

Dare to think of promotion?  Change company or career? Take career steps with calm and confidence? Then let's make it happen.



Step 1. First things first, click the "Consultation Call" button to let me know that you are interested in chatting with me.

Step 2. We will set up a consultation call. During the call, I will hear you fully and help you get clarity around what is currently happening in your career, how we can address it, and what the next steps are for you.

Step 3. If you decide that I am the right person to support you then we will schedule our first in-person/online meeting. However, if either of us feels that we might not be the right fit, then I will gladly point you in the right direction.